About the Course

Join us for this 1.5 hour introductory course that puts you in the front row seat at a recent exclusive horseless clinic conducted at Dr. Maria's farm.

This lecture style course introduces you to fundamental basics. This course is an excellent prerequisite to Dr. Maria's Creating Magic with your Horses Series.  

In this course Dr. Maria walks you through ten modules. Below are some of the headings for your review.

Click above to take your first step on this journey with Dr. Maria by your side!

Watch Intro Video

Click here for an overview of this course series

Introductory video

Course curriculum

  • 1
    • Welcome and Instructions
  • 2
    Introduction to Molecular Equitation
    • Introduction to Molecular Equitation - Part 1
    • Introduction to Molecular Equitation - Part 2
  • 3
    The Three Most Important Questions
    • The Three Most Important Questions
  • 4
    Grounding & Growth
    • Grounding & Growth
  • 5
    Experiencing Change Through Compassion
    • Experiencing Change Through Compassion
  • 6
    Synopsis of the History of Classical Horsemanship
    • Synopsis of the History of Classical Horsemanship
  • 7
    The Importance of Rituals
    • The Importance of Rituals
  • 8
    Physical Comfort & Balance
    • Physical Comfort & Balance - Part 1
    • Physical Comfort & Balance - Part 2
  • 9
    We Create the Ultimate Masterpiece
    • We Create the Ultimate Masterpiece
  • 10
    The Language of Energy
    • The Language of Energy - Part 1
    • The Language of Energy - Part 2


  • Dr. Maria Katsamanis

    Dr. Maria Katsamanis

    Dr. Maria Katsamanis has received worldwide recognition as a horse trainer, exhibition rider and author. It is in her book, “The Alchemy of Lightness” that the concept of molecular equitation is first introduced to the equestrian community. Dr. Maria offers a unique approach to horsemanship that merges the classics with new science. With a formal education as a clinical scientist she is able to help demystify and explain elements where magic seemingly occurs, that are key in helping us establish and maintain the ultimate connection with our horses. Her explanations of the barriers and myths that block the path between horse and rider frees them making the dance accessible to anyone regardless of age or breed. To learn more about Dr. Maria visit, www.horseswithdrmaria.com